Umbria and its beauties

We have made for our guests a selection of some of the most beautiful places to visit in Umbria.



Assisi is a hill town in Umbria, in central Italy. It is the birthplace of St. Francis (1181-1226), one of the patron saints of Italy. The Basilica of San Francesco is an imposing church on 2 levels consecrated in 1253. The thirteenth-century frescoes depicting the life of San Francesco have also been attributed, among others, to Giotto and Cimabue. The crypt houses the stone sarcophagus of the saint.



Perugia is a small jewel that slowly unfolds before the eyes of visitors. The Umbrian town holds artistic and monumental treasures that testify to its rich past and do justice to the cultural primacy of our country.



is a delightful fortified medieval village of the tenth century located in Umbria in the area known as the Alta Valle del Tevere, about 40 km from Perugia and in the vicinity of Città di Castello and Umbertide.



Vallo di Nera is a monument town. It is a village that barely emerges from the woods with its light-colored stone houses, extraordinarily preserved since 1217, when the city of Spoleto granted the men of Vallo to build a castle to defend the valley, on the hill where a fortress. Therefore, it looks like a medieval fortress with an elliptical urban layout, built on a hill on the left side of the Nera river.



Located between Foligno and Spoleto, Trevi stands on the slopes of Monte Serano, perched on a hill full of olive groves. Churches, towers and palaces draw the noble profile of this village which from its 412 meters high offers a breathtaking spectacle on the Via Flaminia.



Città della Pieve is a town overlooking the Val di Chiana, with Sienese characters, which was the birthplace of Perugino, the "divine painter". An Etruscan-Roman center, in the 7th century it became the powerful “Castrum Plebis”, built around the Parish Church of Saints Gervasio and Protasio. In 1188 it was subjected to Perugia and, under Frederick II of Swabia, the free Municipality assumed its current urban layout (1250).



Along the left bank of the Nera river, there is a village where the Romans once built their ships. It is called Stifone and it is a small wonder that you can find along the itinerary of the Nera Gorges.



Gubbio is a medieval town in Umbria. Its Colle Eletto cable car climbs to Mount Ingino, where the 5-nave basilica of Sant’Ubaldo is located and from where you can enjoy views of the Apennines. In the center, the Cathedral boasts 16th-century paintings and a Baroque chapel. Inside the Gothic palace of the Consuls, with its crenellated top, the Civic Museum is set up, among whose finds stand out the Eugubine Tables, 7 bronze plates with ancient inscriptions.



Among "The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy" for its rich historical and cultural heritage, it is particularly known for its mineral waters, which owe their healing properties to the natural environment of the Martani Mountains from which they originate. Along the ancient Via Flaminia, on which the village of San Gemini stands, is the splendid Archaeological Park of Carsulae.



The village of Sant’Anatolia di Narco in Valnerina is the first that visitors will encounter coming from Spoleto. The Ancient Castle stood near the Black River, while the village was later built on the hill where it still stands today. The village is located in the center of the most important tourist destinations of the Valnerina such as the Marmore waterfall and the cities of Norcia and Cascia and is only a few minutes from Spoleto.



The convent built by San Francesco con la scarza - the marsh plant from which the name of the place derives - was purchased in 1957 by the architect Tomaso Buzzi who chose it as the perfect place to host his ideal city: an architectural jewel entirely in tuff that it is the perfect metaphor of a mystical-esoteric journey through human history, in the incessant search for truth.



In the northern part of Umbria, on the border with Tuscany, Lake Trasimeno is a real natural paradise. Let yourself be captivated by the charm of a visit to one of the surrounding cities: Castiglione del Lago, Paciano, Panicale, Piegaro, Cittа della Pieve, Magione, Passignano sul Trasimeno, Lisciano Niccone, Castel Rigone and Tuoro sul Trasimeno, which directly overlook the lake or dominate it from the surrounding hills. Experience the thrill of a trip to the Maggiore and Polvese islands, which you can reach all year round with comfortable boats.



Orvieto is a small Umbrian village perched on a tuff cliff. The Cathedral (1290) with its mosaic facade houses a marble sculpture of the Pietà. The Well of San Patrizio (16th century) has a double spiral staircase. A network of underground caves testifies to the town's Etruscan roots. Artifacts from that period, including pottery and bronze objects, are exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum.



Rasiglia is a mountain hamlet in the municipality of Foligno which rises to over 600 meters above sea level. The town, which preserves the typical characteristics of the medieval village by gathering in an amphitheater structure, is famous above all for its springs: walking through the suggestive alleys of the center it is impossible not to be enchanted by the waterways that cross the town, making it unique and fascinating.



The village, of Etruscan origin, along a road that, already in Roman times, linked Perugia to Castiglion del Lago and Chiusi, was called "Villa Solomei" in 1300 and consisted of a building, a "casamentum", 12 "domus" , two casalini and the Church of San Bartolomeo, which still exists today. Later a fortification was built around a castle.



Located in the south-eastern part of Umbria, Ferentillo is a small medieval village immersed in the greenery of the Terni Valnerina, lying along a gorge dominated by two fortresses and crossed by the Nera river which divides the town into two nuclei: Precetto and Matterella.



the small village of Scheggino, located in the south-eastern area of ​​Umbria, extends along the banks of the Nera river in the heart of the Valnerina. Built around a castle and entirely crossed by an artificial canal, the village is located in an area that offers a unique landscape. Not far from the town, the sources of Valcasana are an example of the spectacle that nature can offer here.



The Marmore Falls is one of the most famous in Italy and among the highest in Europe. It is located in the Valnerina, a short distance from Terni, inserted within the Nera River Regional Park. It is formed by the Velino river, which flows into the Nera river coming down from the Piediluco lake.



Spoleto is a city in Umbria, Italy. It is surrounded by hills, olive groves and vineyards. Dating back to the 12th century, the Cathedral of Spoleto has a porticoed facade embellished with a mosaic. Inside, it houses a cycle of frescoes by the medieval artist Filippo Lippi. The National Archaeological Museum complex exhibits objects from the Bronze Age and Roman times. It also includes the restored Roman theater.



Norcia is located in the south east of Umbria, in the heart of the Valnerina, a mountainous area crossed by the Nera river, the main tributary of the Tiber. It was founded in the 5th century BC. by the Sabines. One of the wonders that offers suggestive scenarios between the end of May and mid-July, are the blooms of Castelluccio di Norcia. A painting for the great vastness of colors that the pastures take on during this period.



Located in the heart of Umbria, the city is surrounded by a fertile plain rich in water and planted with wheat, vines and olive trees. Thanks to its remarkable environmental, cultural and artistic heritage, it is part of the club of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy". A real open-air museum, it is known for being the city of the Gaite, one of the most beautiful historical reenactments in Italy.



Montefalco stands on the top of a hill covered with olive trees and vines which rises in the center of the Clitunno, Topino and Tiber valleys. Due to its splendid panoramic position it is called the "Railing of Umbria". In 1452 Benozzo Gozzoli portrayed it in the fresco dedicated to the Sermon to the Birds. Due to its remarkable environmental, cultural and artistic heritage, it is part of the club of "The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy".

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